
Behavior is the ultimate arbiter: An alternative explanation for the inhibitory effect of fluoxetine on the ovulatory homolog model of orgasm in rabbits

Pavlicev et al.(1) offer an experimental test of the ovulatory homolog model of female orgasm in rabbits. While we appreciate the importance of designing animal models of such elusive phenomena, there are several issues we would like to address.

The orgasm gap and what sex-ed did not teach you

Studies show that women reach climax less often than men do during sexual encounters together.

The whole versus the sum of some of the parts: toward resolving the apparent controversy of clitoral versus vaginal orgasms

The nature of a woman’s orgasm has been a source of scientific, political, and cultural debate for over a century. Since the Victorian era, the pendulum has swung from the vagina to the clitoris, and to some extent back again, with the current debate …