
Signalling the Vaginal Code. A Dual Role for Oxytocin in Sexual Partner Preference and Reproduction

The role of oxytocin transmission in sexual preferences and reproductive behavioural responses

Fos expression is increased in oxytocin neurons of female rats with a sexually conditioned mate preference for an individual male rat

Evidence suggests an important role of Pavlovian learning in sexual partner selection. Female rats that experience paced copulation with a male scented with a neutral odor selectively solicit and receive ejaculations from the scented male relative to …

The facilitating effects of acute oxytocin treatment on pacing and proceptive sexual behaviours are dose-dependent

Oxytocin acutely affects female rat sexual behaviour

The facilitating effect of oxytocin on sexually conditioned partner preference in the female rat

The effect of i.p. oxytocin administration on sexually conditioned partner preference

Fos expression in female rats with a conditioned partner preference for an individual male

Oxytocin neurons are activated by males associated with past copulation